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Your EPC (Average Earnings Per One Hundred Clicks) is a relative rating that illustrates the ability to convert clicks into commissions.  Advertisers use EPC as one way to decide to which publisher programs to approve and make offers.
Your success is relative to how many visitors you can drive through your site or paid search link that will generate sales for an advertiser you are promoting. EPC does not mean that if someone clicks on that link 100 times you earn the dollar amount in the EPC.
Your EPC is calculated in an "apples to apples" comparison with all publishers by taking each publisher's total commissions earned (regardless of currency) and then converting that total (if necessary) to US dollars. After each publisher's commission total amount has made this conversion to a common currency (USD), the amount is then divided by the total number of clicks times 100. At this point, your EPC is established. Your EPC is then converted back to your functional currency (provided it differs from USD) when you view it on the Home Page of your Publisher Account Manager.
Note: Commission Junction filters out clicks generated by search bots and spiders, helping to improve the overall accuracy of EPC. When search bots index publisher sites, they generate clicks in the Commission Junction system. Since these clicks are not associated with actual users, they do not result in any transactions. Commission Junction filters out these clicks because they can distort EPC and conversion metrics.

3 Month EPC

Three month EPC values are calculated and updated daily, using data beginning five months previous through three months previous. On the first of each month the "five months previous through three months previous" timeframe changes to accommodate the month change. For example, an EPC rating in June is calculated using data from January, February, and March. It is necessary to use data beginning five months previous to give accurate EPC ratings that may include extended or reversed transactions.
There must be at least 1000 clicks for the 3-month period to calculate your EPC. If less than 1000 clicks occurred, N/A will display for the EPC.

7 Day EPC

The calculation is made by taking data from yesterday counting back seven days. We take the sum of all commissions for the 7 days and divide it by the sum of all clicks for the same 7 days then multiplying this by 100. If today's date = N, the date range used is N-8 to N-2. NOTE: There must be at least 100 clicks for the 7-day period to calculate your EPC.
If less than 100 clicks occurred, N/A will display for the EPC. In addition, advertiser EPC will display as "New" for the first 90 days in the Commission Junction Network.